


Transferrable City

The example of the transferrable city in the history of Japan Fujiwara-kyo (694-710)   The Fujiwara-kyo was the Imperial capital in Japan in the late of 7th century and first capital built in a grid pattern system according to Chinese capitals in order to demonstrate that Japan was an independent country externally after the

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Microbial Environment

The possibility of microbial environments in thatched houses that create human health.   Scientific research into the microbial environment has revealed that traditional architectural and environmental practices such as thatched roofs have the potential to contribute to human health.   Thatch is a collective term of roofing material that harvested in the local area

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Sustainable Local Cultural Landscape and Land Planning

The representative had researched local sustainable landscape in Keihoku, the northern part of Kyoto, where had contributed to construction of the former capital, Kyoto, and support of life of Emperors and the capital for over 1,000 years. The representative found that the local environment has been comprehensively and sustainably fostered by the natural environment

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Hypersonic Sound Environment

The inaudible sound that support human health in the rich environment   Normally human beings can listen to the sound which is lower than 20,000 Hz and the sound frequencies above the human audible range are called hypersonic sound or ultrasonic sound. The research by expert researchers has revealed that human beings receive this

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Thatching and Thatched Roofing

The essence and possibility of thatching   The essence of traditional thatched roofs is not as a traditional house itself but as a synthesis of the wisdom of our ancestors who have lived in harmony with nature for thousands of years, and is a synthesis of life, the universe, the earth, nature, people, architecture,

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Whole Earth Design Platform

One Health Platform The platform that brings together experiences that contribute to both the community and nature while healing and having fun.   The platform concept is “Harmonious coexistence between people, nature, and oneself”.   It spreads on thatched accommodations, shrines and temples, and hot springs as core place and connects cityand local communities

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From Waste to Beneficial Things

Biomass energy and fertilizer from grass In the past in rural area of Japan, it was said that grass was fought over as food for cattle and horses. However, after changing society from agricultural society to industrialized society, we haven’t needed such live stocks anymore for farming and livelihood and mowing grass became one

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Space Architecture

In the coming space age, architecture that supports human physical and mental health will be required to withstand long stays.   The environmental information in the space is very different from the Earth and sometimes there is lack of information what we can get in the Earth and we need for keeping ourselves. There

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Sustainable and Healthy Product

Product which is good for both of people and nature Regreen is supporting to create products and building materials that use thatch and natural materials, which can be used as fertilizer or energy after use, and which ultimately return to nature.   We introduce some examples what we had made for prototype.    

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